The Three What's!

Haven't faced the three "WHAT'S" for 28 years!!!!!!
"What" to keep?
"What" to sell?
"What" to give away?

Everything is marked and today we will organize and spread out with more large tables!


 Friday and Saturday are the sale days, hope everything goes!

Hugs, Carolyn


  1. Oh Carolyn, wish I lived closer and could browse!! Looks like some real treasures!! Blessings on your garage sale and move!! Been thinking of you!!

  2. This is exactly why I'm trying to sort out and get rid of things now! Good luck with your sale! :0)

  3. OMGoodness. You have had a big job sorting through your things...
    wish I lived closer as there seems to be some nice treasures there......

  4. Carolyn, what a big job you have had, just sorting thru what to keep and what to discard. My daughter is just starting step one. Wishing you lots of happiness in your new home. Pam

  5. Oh, my. The mere thought of it has to be nearly overwhelming, but I'm hoping it's less overwhelming than when you begin.
    I would sooooo be there if I were closer. My Sweet Teen and I have spent over a year looking for a pre-electronic Battleship game. (Just don't get how manufacturers think they improve things just by jumping on the interactive technology bandwagon!)
    May your sale go well and may the things you are parting with truly bless their recipients.

  6. Your drawing is just too cute. It's amazing what we collect. Your sale should bring lots of eager buyers. Good luck!

  7. Looks like a major undertaking. Wish I could be there to help--I would probably even relief you of a few things. : )
    Good luck!!

  8. Oh my goodness have been busy! Now, if I lived down the lane so that I might attend...but alas, this is not so. **sniff, sniff**
    Wishing you a splendid sale!
    Happy hugs from here...
    Judy xo

  9. Oh wow! Is this a 'selfportret'? Haha. I will by a ticket and you will see mee Saturday. I take a empty case with me!! Dreams... I hope you will sell a lot. Many successes!!! Hugs from me.

  10. Oh my....I my heart started beating fast when seeing all that work! We are considering a move also...and just looking around my house stifles me, and we've only been here for 18 years.
    Best of luck with your 'Three Whats' :)

  11. Oh, what wonderful things I see! Wish I could be there to shop! Good luck with the sale and your move.

  12. Good Luck! You've been very busy, and I hope you have a good sale.

  13. It looks like you are ready for Saturday!!
    Wishing you great success.

  14. Hej Carolyn,oh my,
    your house is empty now?
    Good luck!

  15. El dibujo, ¿es tuyo?... Maravilloso!!!
    Y ¡cómo me gustan los rastrillos!!!

  16. Adoro questi mercatini dell'usato!!
    Spero che tu riesca a vendere tutto tutto.
    Buona fortuna
    Love Susy x

  17. I wish I could come - I love garage sales! Not that I need anything. Hee Hee! Good Luck!

  18. And those three Ws are really hard, but it looks like you have persevered and will have a great sale. Best of luck!

  19. Carolyn, I hope you had a good sell!! And thats everythings going too the right person! Lots of luck too you!!!
    Hugs, Hennie

  20. Oh what cute little doll beds and I missed them. Someday I will have doll bed(s) for my doll quilts...


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