I't all started with my my great grandmother, "Sudie"!

Sudie and me
My mother and Sudie, planning new ideas! 
My mother and Sudie started the spark that led me to love sewing and quilting!  
This is my new spot....still organizing and finding special places for my collection of vignettes!
Our "Cottage" at Vineyard Ridge"!
 9 inches of new snow last night. View of our back yard and.....
we are cozy and warm insde our "cottage"!
Hope you are having a wonderful week!


  1. What sweet and wonderful pictures of your grandmother, mother and yourself! Such a beautiful new home too - I wish you many years of happiness in it!


  2. Your cottage looks so inviting....especially with the snow. I had a wonderful Grandmother that was my quilting inspiration. Wonderful women....grandmothers.

  3. Carolyn, I love, love love the vintage photos!! They speak the unspoken!! Thanks for sharing such a special part of you with us!!! Your home does look cozy!!!


  4. Looks like you're settling in nicely! :0)

  5. I love the pictures of your mother and grandmother, lovely women!! You are blessed with the examples and teachings of them.
    What a lot of room in your 'cottage', so cosy and warm. Lot of snow, beautiful but we are longing for spring! I just to day put some flowers, violets, in our garden! Love from me.

  6. Loved seeing the pics of your mother and grandmother!Your cottage is lovely.Hugs,Jen

  7. Oh Carolyn, what delightful photographs! Isn't it lovely how the women in our lives influenced our love of handwork! Even from wee tots we are able to recollect "the hatching of new ideas."
    Your studio spot is ever so cozy, and your new home very welcoming and clearly filled with love.
    Wishing you a splendid day sewing and watching the white fluff fall beyond the windowpane.

  8. How exciting to be in a new place! Isn't it great to go through all your things and fine a new place for them!

    My quilting started with my mother.

  9. Glad that you are getting settled in to your new home! Love the pictures!

  10. Your cottage looks so inviting. Enjoy your new home.

  11. Love the "heritage" photos!
    Your "cottage" looks very cozy and comfortable, and I love the little vintage displays you have put together.

  12. Your new home looks warm and cozy. The photos are a wonderful reminder of your quilting heritage. Thanks for sharing those.

  13. Love the pictures of your new cottage! Thanks for sharing them. The little green doll bed is adorable and I love the red doll house. Such cute treasures!

  14. So glad you are settling into your new cottage...I love all the pictures. Love all the snow too...wish I could have some here!! Stay warm and have a great day!!

  15. How wonderful to have the creative genes from your grandmother Sudie and your mother. Enjoy your new sewing space and cottage.

  16. I like the corner display with all the little quilts and bears. I would feel at home there.

  17. Just curious if Sudie's maiden name was Gunstream? I had a great Aunt Sudie.

    Jo Anna

  18. Like your cozy cottage, nice pictures of your mom and grandmother. wish you a long and happy stay in your cottage. Tilly

  19. Your cottage looks wonderful and comfortable! Hope the snow didn't keep you from sewing!

  20. Your new cottage looks lovely and oh so cozy !

  21. Love your new "cottage"! Already looks like home with all your treasures!

  22. Your cottage is so charming and cozy! Your things look wonderful.
    I loved the family photos, Saudie looks like quite a spirit!
    Thanks for an inspiring post.

  23. Congratualtions on a successful move. 'Playing' with your treasures has to be fun!! Thanks for sharing them with us.

  24. What neat pictures and story about your life. You are really turning your cottage into your home.

  25. So much fun to see what you have done with your
    new home. NOW, it feel's like HOME. Donna

  26. Hello Carolyn
    Your cottage looks so charming; and what a lovely "spot" you have created there. Looking forward to seeing more of your vignettes. I particularly enjoyed reading about your dear Sudie. Such happy and precious memories you have, I thank you for sharing your personal story with us. Working alongside your Great Grandmother must have been a very special time for you...it's lovely to read about your introduction to the joy of stitching from such a fine looking lady. Lovely post! Cheerio for now R♥

  27. What a beautiful and cozy cottage you have . Just loved looking at all the pictures !

  28. I understand the sewing gene thing...it runs deep within me too. Your new home is beautiful; know you are going to have so much fun rearranging vignettes again and again!

  29. Your new home looks wonderful and you have so many memories to build into it with your vignettes. And best of all - kitty has already made herself at home too!

  30. I love the sweet picture of you with your "Sudie"! How precious! Your sweet little cottage looks cozy and comfortable -- a nice place to curl up when the snow hits the ground!! :)

  31. Thanks for your visit, I met your blog,and I love it, I own a quilt store in COSTA RICA since 2009 and I'm happy.

    A hug from COSTA RICA.

  32. Bonjour
    je passe par votre blog ou je découvre de très belles choses
    il y a sur le présentoir un patchwork avec des femmes .. je le trouve très joli pourriez vous me dire dans quel livre vous avez trouvez le modèle ....
    merci de votre réponse
    bonne journée etau plaisir de vous lire


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