Rain, rain go away....

come again another day... 
so we can play! 

 This sweet little poem was my mothers.
Lester and Lyla are in the neighborhood looking for new digs, soon there will be a
 family of  five or six.
Will they choose a place by the bike path and creek in our back yard? I am sure "Chester" will be delighted!

Recently, Marge and I attended the IA/IL Quilt & Study Group at the Historical Village
in Kalona, Iowa. Their theme was 
"Celebration" --- celebrating their 10th anniversary!  
Sharing five of 60 vintage quilts.

Marge created the above design for The Des Moines Quilt Guild Quilt Show, celebrating 30 years! Lots of thought, planning, fabric choices, piecing, appliqueing and quilting by many members in the guild.   
This is "Minnie" made as a "Thank You" for Marge, from me! 

 One more thing...my herb embroidery quilt is finished!

 We are waiting for...


  1. Hello Carolyn! Please, send some of your rain to us!! It is so very dry at the moment, we need some water so the flowers and trees can flower!
    Lester and Lyla are a beautiful copple and there will be beautiful kids. You already settled in your new home? We all alre longing for spring!
    Beautiful quilts you show. Have a nice day and love from Chris.

  2. Love the vintage quilts, especially the dark Dresden Plate.
    That doll is so sweet--very nice gift.
    The herb embroidery looks great--will you unfold it and share the whole quilt? : )

  3. Oooooooooooh, such splendid quilts! I am delighted that you enjoyed a lovely time at the Show.
    Your herb quilt is fabulous Carolyn! I am in agreement with Janet O. (above)...how about a show-and-tell of the entire quilt?
    Wishing you a delightful, albeit rainy day...perfect for a bit of handwork, yes?
    Warm hugs to you..
    Judy xx

  4. Beautiful quilts. Thank you so much for sharing. We've got rain, thunder and lightening this afternoon. Hope the sun shines soon. Hugs

  5. I'll take your rain here!! We haven't had much this month at all...it is always welcomed here! Lovely quilts...looks like a great time...love your herb quilt too...so pretty! have a wonderful day!!

  6. Such wonderful quilt pictures shared today! I enjoyed them all! Your embroidered Herb quilt top turned out so beautiful!

    Hope those rains bring you plentiful flowers!


  7. Your herb quilt is great. What a nice finish. We've been having lots of snow, 14 inches! It's time to put my snow boots away.

  8. Thank you for sharing all the lovely pictures of spring, your embroidered quilt, and vintage quilts. Darling little doll you made for Marge, I'm sure she loves it also.

  9. Such a sweet, sweet poem and doll! Do you make a lot of dolls? I read once that quilting and doll making go together. I do both, but my dolls are not the best. :)

  10. I would LOVE some of your rain! So feel free to post some on to me! Lovely post, your Minnie doll is so sweet, what delightful gift! Please show more...R♥

  11. I enjoyed reading your post and love the photo og the little guy under the umbrella..
    some beautiful quilts there too.
    Hmm I am looking forward to some cooler weather here... still in the high 90's here.

  12. Hello Carolyn, I enjoyed your post especially the quilts from the show....also your herb quilt is gorgeous...Hugs, Lyn

  13. I wish i could send you about 10 degrees extra from here. I hate it when we have summer weather in April!
    How is the new house?

  14. Sweet post, Carolyn. Love the springy pictures and lovely old quilts. Lots of rain here in Michigan the past week - rivers are flooding and not expected to crest until Monday. I feel for those affected. And your little herb quilt is wonderful! Hugs, Carol

  15. Glad you and Marge had a good time. Love your sweet little herb embroidery quilt.

  16. The quilts are delightful; still admiring your beautiful embroidered herb quilt! Rain is a true blessing...vowed last summer during our terrible drought to never complain about rain again.

  17. Do you believe it Carolyn? The sun is shining on us today!!! It's wonderful! Thanks for the picture show of quilts in Kalona... interesting eye candy. Your herb quilt is gorgeous... I bet it likes its new home! Good luck with Lester and Lila, and their growing family!

  18. We are still waiting for spring too!!
    Love your stitched herb quilt- so pretty.

  19. Carolyn, what a darling poem! I've noted the name and author -- I love to put seasonal poems up on our Camp MACOBA blog. This would be a perfect fit for next year! Your embroidered herb quilt is gorgeous!! What a lovely finish!! :)

  20. Beautiful quilts! Send some of that rain to here.....please! We are as dry as toast in Texas!

  21. Oh what lovely, lovely quilts!! The one made to fold over the posts in a four poster bed may be my favorite! I love your embroidered herb quilt, too -- simply gorgeous! I think Spring finally...sort of...arrived in North Alabama just this week!!! Hugs!!!! :)


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