Front Porch, Flowers, Quilting and A Place To Call Home!

Warm days, not much lounging on the front porch! Huge, isn't it?! Pretty pink flowers! A vignette on our veranda. A peaceful afternoon on lower patio---waiting for a Hummingbird to fly in for a drink! Deanna, Kathie, Martha and others quilting at our Church. We quilt every Wednesday from 9 to 12... This antique 1930's quilt is on the frame rack and ready to quilt. Love creating small quilts for the table frames. Almost finished working on the house block for the frame. We have been watching a TV show that is on Acorn ( TV.) It takes place in the 1930's-- rural New South Wales in Australia---so well written and the actors are wonderful. It is very fast paced and exciting! Gene likes it too! I'm sure you can rent at a video store or check it out from the Library. If you Google (Trailer A Place To Call Home/ season 1 ) you might get hooked :) Hope you all are having a great summer! Hug's, Carolyn