A Visit With You!!

Thinking about you my "blogging friends", praying that all of you and your family's are okay during these trying times. The last few days I cleaned up our pantry, refrigerator and one closet...told myself.."done!! So, decided to bring out a few "Easter" things--- Thought our entry needed "Miss.Violet" to perk up our home! Placed a little birdie to brighten the mantel. I retrived from my sewing room closet this star quilt that I started 20+ years ago..I had finished sewing the blocks, had sewed , sandwiched and basted----period!!! I decided 3 1/2 weeks ago that I needed to finish and started hand stitching. Ta-ta done!! Last of all--- know we are all looking forward to the first sites of tulips, right? Found this giraffe with a tulip in it's mouth and wanted to share with you!! Take care! Hug's, Carolyn