Hello, How Are You All Doing?

Thinking about all of you during these trying time and hope all is good with you and your family. Found this statement with a special message for all of us giving up "Hope". Thought I would share with you as to what I have been doing while being home with Gene and keeping busy! Made this shoulder bag to hold my cell, necessary information, and my mask fits around the strap,--- "handy"! Made a new small patchwork bed quilt for "Miss Hitty"! We have 6 grandchildren. Three boys and three girls. Three grandaughters have graduated from ISU . One grandson is sophomore at ISU and other grandson is attending UNI . I have made graduation quilts for all six. Our youngest grandson, Joe graduated from high school this spring and is now attending ISU in Ames, Iowa. Had fun finding plaids and ISU prints for incorporating into the design of this quilt...a few of these plaid came from grandpas shirts....this is "our" secret, okay!! Joe (3) licking the bea...