Crisp Days, Apples, Mums and Pumpkins

Another Fall is upon us and it's time to decorate with beautiful jewel colors and find new places to display pumpkins, gourds with lot's of warts and tentacles- scarecrows are fun, too! It's "Chester's" (our garden scarecrow) special time of year!
"Patches" (scarecrow) and wreath I created last year greets guests at our front door! 
A fun pumpkin friend Gerry gave me from her garden!
My little wire tree was unpacked today and placed in a new spot.
 Creating watercolor cards and sewing items for the 2013 "Holiday Market on 39th Street" are a few things I have been working on.
 Ruffled tea towel and pot holders. My sewing machine is humming and will show you more as I have (yet) lot's to do!!  
I baked these delicious (gluten free) "Monster Cookies"--- they didn't last long---- although,
 I did freeze some for a rainy day :)! 

 I will be happy to email you the recipe, let me know. 
Making some shopping bags for the "Holiday Market", too!  

Hope you are enjoying these beautiful fall days and having creating fun projects.


  1. Those cookies look delicious! :0)

  2. Those cookies are gluten free ? Really ? They look yummy ! Would love the recipe when you have time

  3. Your decorations are great! Hope you are having a little fall weather there, still plenty warm here. Sewing for a craft fair is so much fun, I use to do it every year and love the day of the fair even more. Happy to see you back!

  4. Hi Carolyn! Everything looks so nice! Love your little tree and I'm impressed with your flower still in bloom. Beautiful! I miss sewing with ya! Happy Fall!

  5. Your artwork is fantastic! I love the potholders and tea towels! I'm still going to use your pattern; just haven't bought the right fabric yet :)

  6. I love the fall, looks like you know how to do it up very well.:)

  7. You always do such wonderful decorating!
    Looks like you are keeping very busy preparing for the holiday market.
    I would love the gluten free cookie recipe. Several family members would benefit from it. : )

  8. Lovely fall update! Your decorating looks great.
    You are making some wonderful things for the market.
    Have a great week!

  9. always love seeing your decorations...OK I LOVE that pumpkin tree, how fun is that! love that tea towel on the right and potholder very cute!

  10. You have been very busy and I love all the fall decor!

  11. I love your wreath and all your wonderful decorations. I also enjoy seeing all the beautiful items you are making for the Holiday Market! Wishing you a Fabulous start to Fall!


  12. Hello Carolyn, so good to see you here again! You did a lot of beautiful and different work. Yes, fall is a time to decorate home and garden with warm colors. I love your handpainted cards!!! Lots of love from here.

  13. You have been really busy! Everything looks so good, lovely! Those cookies! We had an unexpected heat wave but looks like fall is coming back here which makes me glad!

  14. You have been a busy lady, Carolyn! Thank goodness the Iowa days are getting cooler... it makes decorating for fall so much more fun! You are off to a great start! Keep those Holiday Market goodies coming!!!

  15. I've been thinking of you - no wonder you've been quiet are very busy! I have a neat selvage that I'm saving for you. Hopefully we can all get together again one of these days. Love your fall decorations and projects!

  16. Carolyn, what a lovely bags you make, en these cookies, jummie!!! But the sewing-card you make are my favoriet!!!
    Enjoy the day, huggs Hennie

  17. We will be heading north in a few weeks to get to experience a real fall. Looking forward to the beautiful leaf colors and fall decorations.

  18. Everything looks so nice! Why don't you come decorate my house, and bring a batch of cookies with you?

  19. I'm so happy fall has arrived. Your decor looks lovely and the cookies look yummy.

  20. Oh my goodness! You are in the *thick* of fall decorating, aren't you??! I love your white, warty pumpkin -- FUN! I'd love a copy of your cookie recipe, please, please, please!!! :)

  21. Lovely bag, look at those cookies as well, you have a nice blog.
    Merry Christmas!


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