A Sunny Snowy Day!

What to do on a snowy day -- bake cookies, make beef stew, sew, quilt, create Santa's or....... 
Play outside and make " Snow Angel's"?
 Looks too cold.... think I will stay inside and sip hot chocolate!
I started creating "Santa's" for next December's "Market on 39th Street" that I was involved in last year. Today was a great day to be inside-- toasty warm creating more Santa's!

I just put the finishing touches on this little guy-- he wishes you an early
 "Happy Valentines Day"!
Few more close-up pictures of these jolly guys.
The faces of these Santa's have taken on their own personalities-- I loved making clothes for them.

Click on the pictures for a close-up.
I've had fun collecting twigs for them to carry....but I will have to wait till it warms up, as for now, they are under the snow :(!
This is the "Santa" group....they keep growing!

Hope you all are having a wonderful week.

Take care!

Hugs, Carolyn



  1. I love that picture of the snowmen! : )
    Great looking Santas, Carolyn! Such a fun grouping! How many will you be making?

  2. Your Santa's are lovely! I've been working on a Christmas gift myself. I love you snowman snow angel!!

  3. Lots of snow here too. Love your Santas.

  4. Your Santa's do have wonderful personalities. Cute snowmen.

  5. Your Santas are adorable! I love the way you embellish them!

  6. Carolyn ... your snowman picture is just darling! Sweet Santas you're making!!! :)

  7. Oh my! What a wonderful collection of Santas! And to think ~ you made them! You're a wonderful artist!

    Your snowmen make me cold!

  8. Your santas are just adorable! The snow looks like fun! We might have snow flurries today - the temp is 22 degrees this morning!

  9. Snow, snow, snow...perfect weather for a gathering of chubby snow chaps! I love your Santa group...especially with a Valentine wreath in hand.
    Wishing you a lovely, snowy day Carolyn!
    Sending hugs ...
    Judy x

  10. I like the snow angel picture. Creative.
    The Santas.....such a variety of looks just by changing the fabric and accessories. You have a good start towards next December's market.

  11. Love the snow photos!!! But staying inside to sew your gorgeous Santa is a great idea...
    Your "group" of these guys look fabulous.

  12. What a cute bunch of Santa's! I love the red and gold plaid Santa! So smart to be working on these guys now...
    I'm lovin' the snow but not the bitter cold... great days for sewing!

  13. The snow looks so beautiful! Love all the Santas. You have been busy.

  14. What wonderful Santas! They are all just adorable - you are so talented! Glad you are surviving the snow - and I agree...the best bet is to stay inside and keep warm!

  15. Lovely Santa's!! And nice pictures from the snow! It's cold outside?
    Have a nice week, with a lot of sewing!
    Hugs, Hennie

  16. Your Santas are wonderful! Such a cold winter and so much snow!

  17. these are wonderful!!!

    you are so creative!!


  18. Such absolutely DARLING Santas!
    What a great idea to start making these for next year's Market event! I too love that each one has it's own personality stitched into it. All are wonderful!

  19. Oh wow Carolyn, what a beautiful and cute Santa-family!! I think they love the snow and you the hot chocolate, hihi.
    Thanks a lot for your delicious 'digital' soup!!! I feel better today.

  20. Love your Santa's. They are wonderful!

  21. Those are great Santas! Have fun in the snow!

  22. All of your Santa's are adorable! What a great "group" picture.


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