Lot's of berries!


My Amish friend's berries were ready to be picked, and ....
....as you can see, I've been quite busy in the kitchen....no time for quilting this week! 
This is a short and "sweet" post! Hope you are having a great week!
Hug's, Carolyn 


  1. Your canning and baking looks so good! I miss canning. I used to do it and loved it. Always so good in the winter months.

  2. Oh my gosh...YUM! I have been whining about wishing our raspberry bushes would produce! So jealous of your berries. I really would love to have one of those pies for supper tonight!

  3. Those berries look so yummy! Haven't done any canning this year yet. So fun and great to have a taste of summer in the wintertime.

  4. Hello Lee, Oh, I am so happy to have found your blog! Your jam and pies have my mouth watering. They are beautiful. I am a fan of red, white and blue, and your Uncle Sam quilt is adorable. Not to mention your Crazy Chickens, they are guaranteed to put a smile on anyone's face that sees them.
    Like I said I'm delighted to have found your blog, it is so inspiring :)
    Your newest follower and sister blogger,
    Connie :)

  5. Whoa! That's serious berry picking, right there! Your jars of jam look gorgeous!! (And so do the pies!!) :)


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