Fall Vignette's Inside and Out!

'"Punkie" is greeting you with a smile as you enter! 

So is "Stella" our witch.
We had fun gathering  pumpkins and gourds for display.
Made this "Happy and Bad Jack's" quilt from a pattern featured  in a Fons & Porter magazine a few years ago.

"Scary" our scarecrow sits on our lower patio and greets everyone on the bike path---
------ so does "Chester!"
This is where I create and work on projects...I have been organizing---- 
----and tidiing up a bit
----where I sew!
Meet "Dee", my friend of 45+ years, who moved to North Carolina in 2011. She designs quilt and needlepoint patterns. Previous to her move she was magazine editor of 
 *makeability, Fons & Porter and  Love of  Knitting. In 2006 she wrote the quilt book
Applique at Play...Learn more about DeElda  by visiting her blog and website!
 Trees and bushes are starting to show their fall colors and---
----our front porch has been a delight! 

That's all for now----- 
"My eyes will be looking out for all the beggar's!"
Hug's, Carolyn 


  1. I always enjoy seeing your decor. You do such a nice job. : )

  2. Everything looks so inviting, Carolyn! Love it - now could you come and decorate at my house!?

  3. I enjoyed the tour! Love your work space.

  4. The witch with the green face and long skinny legs is a very prim one. I like it a lot. Did you make her?

  5. beautiful! Thanks for the tour I always enjoy seeing decorations - yours are wonderful

  6. It is unbelievable Carolyn, but the book Appliqué at Play is at this moment on my table!!!! Yesterday I was reading it to learn something. How can it be!!!
    I love the chair in your sewing room. You have made the cover yourself? Everything looks so nice if you live there already a long time. Love from me.

  7. Your fall quilts are so cute and wonderful! I ALWAYS enjoy hearing from you my friend!

  8. I love seeing how other people decorate their homes as well as where they create! Thanks for sharing! I wish I had more fall decorations.

  9. Thank you for looking at my blog.I also know Chris for a long time.
    Love the halloween decoration.
    I come back on your blog.

  10. You have friends in high places! LOL! Love all your inside and out splashes of Fall!! My favorite season!! :)


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