Super Bowl Sunday!

 Snow started last night....
 .....and it's still snowing! We could receive up to 10 inches!
This is a great day to stay warm and cozy inside...maybe I should start planning a valentine project using old valentines cards. I will print them individually on cream fabric and frame them with my red and white fabrics.    
 I could knit awhile---however, 
Miss "Abbie" has my project and is keeping me in stitches! 
Snow, working on some projects, Super Bowl watching.... and making Chili... is perfect for today and tonight!
Hoping you are having a great day!
Hugs, Carolyn



  1. The snow skipped me, but it looks like you're all snuggled in ready to enjoy a snowy cold football kind of day.

  2. All great components of a good snow day, football or not!

  3. I love your potential Valentine project. I used to create dimensional vintage style Valentines using rubber stamps from old clip art.
    Looks like you will be happy and snug on your snowy day. : )

  4. I somewhat ruined two printers trying to print on fabric so hesitate to try again. I tried printing vintage valentines on fabric a few years ago. I wish you good luck.

  5. I can smell your Chili!! Mmmmmm. A good meal when it is cold and snowing outside. Here just one flock of snow, rain, and now and then a little bit sun.
    Nice project, to print those cards on fabric. Much work, I think. Have a nice week and lots of love from me!!

  6. We haven't had any snow where I live this winter. The old valentines on fabric sounds good. Knitting too - especially with such a cute helper. I have a few old valentines from around 1910 that I should do something with.

  7. Yumm - chili would have been perfect yesterday/today. I think we got over a foot and it's still snowing which means I'll have to dig my way back into the driveway tonight. LOL. Glad to hear Miss Abbie has you in stitches =^..^=


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