Gearing Up For Halloween

We are enjoying Iowa's beautiful fall colors. View of the Red Maple from our front porch!  
 Went on a short road trip and found a few more pumpkins.
 Just about ready to take the fern inside. It won't be able to survive the colder weather. 

Is Hazel the Witch scary enough----- or not? 

or how about her?

This Scare Crow doesn't look too scary ------ does he?
Getting ready to fill the treat basket for the visitor's on Sunday night! 
I've been working on this fun wool applique table mat. I have a few more stitches to do and then will be finished.  
Chester wishes you all a Happy Halloween...."BOO".
Me too!!!!


  1. The red maple is glorious. Love your decorations. Hugs,xx

  2. You look all set for the big events.
    Very cute mat you are making.

  3. Love your Fall. Always sew many pretty trees.
    Nice decorations for Halloween....
    Hi Chester !

  4. The witch has a lovely long nose and chin.

  5. Really cute decorations! THanks for sharing! Happy Halloween!

  6. Looking all spooky and pretty ♥

  7. Looks like fun! I love your witch doll! We are doing "Trunk or Treat" at our church tonight and since they needed more trunks, my DIL and I are going to set up her trunk as a "doll house." It's the only thing I could think of that would be easy. The other idea would be "Teddy bears Picnic" but I got rid of all my teddy bears when we moved.

  8. Happy Halloween! Here in southern Missouri, we are not having a pretty fall. I envy you beautiful trees!

  9. Your Halloween treasures Carolyn

  10. Beautiful, colorful time of the year. I love it!


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