My Sewing Space!

Recently, Carol McGarvey (contributor writer for Welcome Home Magazine) wrote an article featuring  my sewing space! If you click on the link above it will take you to their site. Then, click on the Welcome Home (header) and scroll to features on the right side----click on the title:
 Carol McGarvey and Ben Lochard (photographer) are a special team. We had so much fun! 

Don't forget mailing your VALENTINES!!! 

XOXOXO, Carolyn


  1. Hi Carolyn,
    Congratulations!!!!! How wonderful for you!!!
    So very happy you could share your amazing space!!!
    HOORAY for YOU!!!!
    Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend!!!
    Big Heart Hugs~

  2. They did a great story and I loved all the photos of your creative space--thanks for sharing-
    enjoy the moments,di

  3. Congratulations on the well deserved feature in the magazine! I LOVE your beautiful "Space"!

  4. Wow--very cool to be featured like that, Carolyn! Your sewing room looks so inviting and cozy. I aspire to that, but don't achieve it like you have!!

  5. What a great write up and I love the photos of your sewing space. Congratulations on being chosen for the article.

  6. How exciting. Fabulous article & i love your sewing space. Hugs,xx

  7. Good Morning Carolyn, I loved reading about your sewing space. Congratulations on the article.Would love to see some of your Dutch patterns, my husbands parents came from Holland and Robert was born here in Australia.

  8. What a WONDERFUL studio you have! Love all the vintage touches and color galore. I can see why you are so productive!

    1. P.S. Did you recover the patchwork chair I can see in one of the photos? It's delightful!

  9. wow awesome Carolyn,congrats on your article,love your sewing space.

  10. Such a nice set of pictures of your sewing room. Does it always look like that? It is so neat and tidy and interesting things to look at. I have way too much stuffed in my sewing room to ever have that kind of look. I like how you have the "lady" quilt displayed. Can you tell me something about the quilt?

  11. I just visited your sewing room, walked and looked around!! What a beautiful and nice room!! You are blessed!

  12. Congratulations on the wonderful article about your sewing "studio!" Your space is amazing!

  13. Beautiful sewing space--most of the time my sewing room looks like someone set off a bomb

  14. Congratulations on a wonderful article. It is nice to have a personal sewing space and everyone will love seeing yours!

  15. What a great article, Carolyn. It was fun to see photos of your sewing room?


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