Twas the Night before Christmas!

And all through the house.....
Decorations appear with delight!
The sideboard has pictures of our family and.....

Our table is set!
The mantel is sparkling 
.....and the Christmas tree is decorated with family charms
Baked Gumdrop bread and is ready to serve....

......looks like somebody couldn't wait!

When I was 5 we received a Christmas card with a poem inclosed, my mother read it to me, then taught me to recite it. My nick name was PENNY and thought it appropriate hear it goes....
Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat, please put a penny in the old man's hat, if you haven't got a penny, a half penny will do, if you haven't got a half penny...then ......"God Bless You".
.....and it all started with a
Merry Christmas
Hug's,  Carolyn


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Lori! I so enjoy your blog and Facebook friendship. Look forward to fun projects in 2020 with you. Carolyn

  2. Hi Carolyn,
    Lovely post and your home is just beautiful with all those white lights!! Hope you had a wonderful day with your family and have a healthy and Happy 2020!!
    Heart Hugs to you~
    Julie xo

    1. Thank you, Julie!
      Happy New Year, look forward to viewing fun projects that you create in 2020 as you do fabulous work!
      God Bless you and your family.

      Hug's, Carolyn

  3. Merry Christmas Carolyn. I love that story book I have a copy I used to read to our daughter.Next year I am going to be a grandma so will read it to our grand baby Regards Lyn from Australia

  4. I love your decorations! It's too bad when people don't decorate any more. Even a few things is good. The little poem is too sweet!

  5. I hope your holidays were wonderful. I had my grand-daughter and family here though they were gone a lot off doing things. Me, I am a home body.

    I already told you how much I like your water color Nativity but it is worth another praise. It is wonderful!

  6. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's. Your home is so pretty all decorated. Enjoy!


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