"Autumn in Iowa"

This is the third season of the year and we have been on short road trips enjoying our beautiful fall colors in Iowa!

We visited the Amana Colonies 

We had fun here at this antique shop! 
We explored quaint shops and enjoyed viewing their festive store front fall vignettes.  

How exciting to view this Amish horse and bugging!

We said--- (oh)  and  (wow) many times----
as we drove---- 
and enjoyed---
our delightful day and  beautiful sun set in Iowa.
Hope you enjoyed our fall colors too! 
xoxox, Carolyn


  1. Lovely show, Carolyn! Thanks for taking us along. : )

  2. Oh how beautiful. We wished we were there. Chago só loves those colors!!!! And those beautiful houses and everything. Love form me!

  3. Beautiful Carolyn! I've got to get to the Amanas some day!

  4. Beautiful photos. Looks like you had a fabulous trip!

  5. Stunning photos!! thanks so much for the tour!


  6. Very, very pretty! Just in a week's time the trees turned into fall colors here on the mountains.

    Carolyn, look for your pattern on my Dec. apron :)

  7. The fall colors this year seemed exceptional How fun that you had the opportunity to do some exploring.

  8. Beautiful pictures! I can't remember a prettier fall - the trees have all been so vibrant!

  9. You have such gorgeous scenery at Fall. I just love to see the awesome photos....

  10. Beautiful colors and pictures! I love this time of year, and DH and I have been taking many Saturday road trips to enjoy the season. Thanks for sharing your part of the country.

  11. Beautiful trees! I would love to visit those places and see an Amish buggy! Thanks for sharing your trip with us - love it!

  12. Fall is definitely my favorite time of the year! Gorgeous fall colors you have there!

  13. Gorgeous fall pics, such amazing colors. I could live in a place where it is fall all year long :)

  14. Stunning! If only it lasted a little bit longer!

  15. gorgeous autumn post. I love the pumpkin display - wow!

  16. Iowa is gorgeous!!!! We lived there for five years in the 1950's (Ft. Madison) and I remember driving down to Keokuk in the autumn to see the color. Wonderful photos, Carolyn! A very good time in my life. Carol

  17. Thanks for sharing all those spectacular Fall pictures of Iowa. Such a beautiful place!

  18. Hello Lee, I was fortunate the past three weeks to see the beautiful fall colours in the States...the memory will stay with me...Hugs, O'faigh

  19. We made a trip to Ohio to get to experience a real fall. And into Amish country. And two meals at Amish style restaurants. I never heard of the area that you visited but looks interesting.

  20. What a lovely, lovely day! I made lots of (oh) and (wow) sounds as I read through the post! So glad you shared! :)


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