Baby Eagles nest and Spring Chickens!

This cartoon was in Sunday's paper --thought I would share with you. The Decorah Eagles have 3 chicks that have hatched. View these beautiful birds as they take care of their young in this live Decorah camalerts    

Speaking of birds...this is my "Spring Chicken" designed by Meme's Quilts. This pattern is on page #8 on her web-site.  I've had the pattern for awhile and needed a quick fun project ....hoping the weather here in Iowa would warm up. LOL!!!

Even though it's very cool...the grass is greening up and the Service Berry trees are blooming. Hopefully, next week will warm up so we can shop for flowers and plant them :)

            Earth Day at the Des Moines Botanical Garden
I'm a member of The Des Moines Herb Study Group. Earth Day was last week. Zoe, one of our members, was in charge of setting up  our wonderful Fairy Garden display at the Des Moines Botanical Garden-----. others members assisted her.. 



 The world is very old. Each spring it grows young again and " Fairies" sing. Each herb has its own "Fairy" to take care of it!
Hope "Spring" is popping up for all of you. For now---- we here in Iowa have to make our own sunshine!


  1. Loving all the little spring decorating items. Somene has quite a talent. Nice to see you online again.

  2. Fairy gardens have become so popular. The ones on display were very sweet. Happy spring!

  3. Love the fairy garden display! : )

  4. Great update Carolyn! I love your little chicken finish. The fairy gardens are magical!!

  5. what a cute little chicken! It doesn't look like the weather is going to warm up too much today either - I have my little heater on in my sewing room - brrrr!

  6. Spring has popped up here already. It is little too warm for the time of the year. No tornadoes in Iowa?
    I watched the baby eagles!! And saved the link. Só beuatiful, thank you so much.
    I like the other pictures too, so cute. Be blessed and a hug from me.

  7. Thanks for showing the fairy gardens! So full of imagination!

  8. Your photos are wonderful! I have been following the Decorah eagles for several years. Do you follow the Davenport eagles in Iowa at the Alcoa plant? They are another great pair. They only have one eaglet this year but still love this couple. It might be getting warm here...we are hopeful! ;-)

  9. Good Morning,
    What auf lovely Chicken... i like the fairy Garden
    Creativ Regards Marika

  10. The fairy gardens are wonderful! Love the one with the little green plants growing in the egg shells - but all are amazing! Will check out the eagles nest - kept track of it regularly a few years ago. How amazing to see the beautiful birds up close. Spring is late here in Michigan, also. Forsythia out now, grass green and trees just beginning to show little leaves. With a little warmth, everything will pop!! Happy Spring, Carolyn!

  11. I like this chicken and the cartoon..What a wonderful Fairy Garden. .
    Creative regards Marika


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