Where Did The Summer Go...And What I have Been Up To!

Summer came and went! -----Now we are almost to the end of Fall! Is your Turkey thawing, yet?  
We took our annual trip to Galina, Illinois for four days the weekend of October 25th. We based in Galina and toured the Galina Territory along with side trips to Minnesota and Wisconsin. The fall colors along the Mississippi River Road were spectacular! Guttenberg, Iowa was a blaze with fall colors! 
The views from our deck were beautiful.  
Few pictures of downtown Galina 

 We took this picture a few years ago, first snow!
When we returned home our Christmas Cactus was in full bloom. 

I have been sewing aprons, quilts, creating Santa's, small quilt tops for wire table toppers and painting watercolor cards. 
                      I was a vendor at the Edgewater Retirement Complex, last weekend.
Soon...in a week and a half, I will be a vendor in the Holiday Market on 39th Street!
I have missed blogging, and all of you! I will post more.

'Happy Thanksgiving' to you and your families!
This is a special time of the year -----so much to be thankful for!
Hug's, Carolyn 


  1. Looks like a pretty little place to get away!
    Hope your vending goes well. Your booth would certainly draw me in!
    Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving, Carolyn. : )

  2. We used to drive through Galina in the 50s when we went to Minnesota to visit relatives. I would love to go there some day - maybe when I visit my sis near Chicago we can go. It looks like such a fun place. Good luck with your markets!

  3. Have fun with the holiday market! Hard to believe it is almost the end of November.

  4. I am envious that you got to see the beautiful fall foliage.

  5. Galina is a wonderful place to explore. It has been a long time since I was there, but it was fun! Hope you do well with your markets. Glad you are back to blogging, (from someone who has been away from her own blog long enough!)

  6. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly time passes, the older I get! It looks as though your time is well filled with a variety of fun things! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend!! :)

  7. What a great trip you had! Your pictures are wonderful and makes me want to go there. Fall is a beautiful time of year. Good luck at your next sale event. Looks like you have been busy! Have a wonder Thanksgiving.

  8. What a beautiful pictures of nature in Galina! Those colors!!
    You have been very busy. I wish you nice and successful days coming weekend at the Holicay Market.
    Lots of love from me.


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